Monday, December 12, 2011

best. song. EVER.

Turn up the volume right at 3:02 and you won't regret it

Friday, October 7, 2011

oh ya

the perfect friday night anthem

have a good Friday!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I completed cxworx training this past weekend and...I passed!  I felt stronger than I ever have in my life and I completed a 5 minute hover.  When I first started teaching, the hovers were so hard for me to hold that I wasn't sure if I could teach the class.  Events like this, where the limit of what you think you can achieve is surpassed, rock and it gives me motivation and confidence in other areas of my life as well.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I loved Biology in high school.  I had an awesome teacher my senior year who was a former surgeon and I still remember a lot that she taught us.  But, I think I now prefer chemistry!  I am taking anatomy and physiology this semester and although it is not as puzzling or abstract as chemistry, the memorization is intense.

As I take my science pre-requisites, I lament that education and career tend to be separated; I think formal education would be more beneficial if we were exposed to its real life applications.  For example:

In order to be an expert in this:

I need to learn about this:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oktoberfest 5k

This weekend I ran the Oktoberfest 5k here in Addison.  I haven't run one since college and to use the word run would be a stretch.  But, my friend and I did it together on Saturday in 28 minutes and now I'm addicted. 

Monday, August 1, 2011


I'm done with ochem!  I really can't believe it and don't know what to do with myself, in a good way :)

Great article about how to talk to little girls (found here), which made me realize how much I subconsciously do this!  I am changing my ways.

Hope you are keeping cool this Monday.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

lets make this happen...

exercise and good bread, found here

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

...and another

"Those around you have everything to do with your success and your belief of what’s possible. You’ll either rise up or sink down depending on who’s next to you."

found here

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

good quote

I am breaking my MIA status with a great quote:

"..embrace the constraints you've been given. Use them as assets, as an opportunity to be the one who solved the problem. Once you can thrive in a world filled with constraints, it's ever easier to do well when those constraints are loosened."

-seth godin

well said.  I have 1.5 weeks of ochem left, so I'm back to hibernation for a bit.  hope you are keeping cool wherever you are.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

local veggies

On Saturday, I volunteered at a local farm stand; I had so much fun and I was generously reimbursed for my time with a half share of produce.
The most exciting items were local shiitake mushrooms and rhubarb! The mushrooms were really pretty and fresh, so I just lightly sauteed them in butter. Really a treat. I was a little nervous about the rhubarb because I tasted it raw (not so good), but I cooked it with strawberries and used this cobbler recipe; the rhubarb really just melts when it cooks and gives a delicious tart contrast to the strawberries.

I enjoyed the box of produce so much; I definitely suggest joining a co-op or CSA.

Monday, June 20, 2011

keeping cool

Last Monday, I swam laps for the first time since college.  I am really out of practice, but it felt so good that I ended up swimming 3 times last week; I was also motivated by the triple digit heat.  This morning, I found another awesome way to cool off; RPM. Getting really sweaty in the cool, dark spin room felt amazing.
I hope it is cooler wherever you are.  Happy Monday!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

so funny

please follow the link below, especially if you are having a bad day...

found here

Born to Run

I am currently reading Born to Run as running inspiration.

This morning I went on a short run and instead of thinking of it as as a way to get skinny, I thought I'm going to have fun. And it really worked.

I am in the middle of the book, but I definitely recommend it so far.  It has also inspired me to eat chia seeds.

Monday, June 13, 2011

a new week

I love to paint.  This weekend I did some watercolor painting; I had my first ochem test on Friday and I was craving a more creative pursuit

watercolor pallete

I love the look of watercolors; I highly suggest getting some paints out and letting the creative energy flow

happy monday!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

watermelon and mint iced tea

cold slices of watermelon and mint iced tea is cooling me down this week.  I always make my own tea because it is tastier and cheaper.  Just brew, pour over ice and stick in the fridge.  Mint is the best.


I was making iced tea in my kitchen and I noticed two mockingbirds sitting on my balcony:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I found it!!

the elusive rainbow seasonal chart:

found here

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

rabbit rabbit!

happy June! 

This month, I feel motivated and inspired.

tuesday blues

I had a fabulous long weekend; I grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, sunbathed, and worked out a lot.  To finish the weekend, I saw Bridesmaids last night, after hearing such great reviews; it was really good.  I love Kristen Wiig, she is truly a funny girl. 

This quote about her is great: "She had about thirty lives before she showed up at SNL. She's had a bunch of crazy jobs and crazy haircuts and has lived in about a dozen cities. And there's always a time when she'll say, 'Well, when I was a florist,' or 'When I sold peaches on the street,' or 'When I went to massage school…' Kristen's a journeyman who can start a sentence from any number of non sequiturs." found here

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

good reads

I have 2 book recommendations:

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.  This book was really hard for me to get into, but once I did I couldn't put it down; a crazy intertwined story, I highly recommend it.

The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe.  This book drew me in immediately, but it was really long and if it hadn't been for 2 long plane rides, I might have given up on it.  Great book if you need something to entertain you for a while.

Tomorrow, I turn 26, my favorite number.  Here's to getting older!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

week off

I took last week off.  For 3 days, I visited my dad in Florida.  I had a great time, but it took me a full day and a half to relax.

I came back to Dallas and we went camping on Thursday at Colorado Bend state park.  The weather was perfect for hiking and camping; overcast and cool.

our tent, overlooking the river

muddy Colorado river

after a dip in the spring fed pools

We then finished the week at Joey's lake house with his whole family.  I had a great, nature filled week and it felt a little weird to come back to society, but I was glad to come back to my routine and my gym.  In other news I did well in chem 2 and I started ochem on Monday!!  I'm off to study and practice step.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm freee

I had my chem 2 final last night.  Since August, I have taken 10 chemistry tests and over 20 quizzes to complete chem 1 and 2...phew!  Now, I have a break until Monday May 23rd when I start Organic Chemistry...

I am still a bit stunned from the test, but I have started catching up on all of the things I neglect before a big test/project, like cleaning.  This morning I decided to clean my kitchen with baking soda and it worked so well, better than any spray product!  Have you tried this before? 

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, May 6, 2011

happy friday!

I have been celebrating my new freedom (until organic chemistry begins...) and had some 55 cent margaritas and a cheesesteak here last night.

I am free all weekend; for the first time in forever!  There is a lot going on; Kentucky Derby, Mother's day, studying for chem 2 for me, Joey's family is coming in for his sister's graduation from TCU tomorrow, and there is an end of busy season party tonight.  I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

home-made bread

A rare day in Texas yesterday, where a soaking rain lingers (which I love and always get a bit nostalgic because it reminds me of Boston), revealed a beautiful crisp and cloudless day today. 

I had the day off which was amazing because the weather is usually only perfect when I have to work.  I made my best attempt at productivity; bootcamp, studying, and I baked a loaf of really good whole wheat bread...

I was sitting in the sun on my porch, reading Cloud Atlas, and the smell of my bread drifting out was really a treat.

Monday, May 2, 2011

last day of class!

Today is my last day of Chem 2! wooohoooo.  I had a great weekend; I think everyone deserves a day off, one day a week free from obligations.

I have cancelled all of my Sunday commitments and yesterday I had a refreshing day at the Dallas Museum of Art.  The Thaw collection was my favorite, followed closely by the Frank Loyd Wright lithographs.

Also, after this I hope peace is the result.

I hope you have a wonderful Monday; I need to find an umbrella for this rainy day in Dallas :)

Friday, April 29, 2011


friday! and  it's almost may :) 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Proudest Monkey

I have a bit of breathing room before my final on May 10th...I have big plans to get an oil change, go to this salvation army after work, then Body Attack. And meeting Joey for dinner at the awesome Whole Foods by Northpark.

I used to listen to this song all the time, so I thought I'd share.  Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

influence; aren't we a little old for peer pressure?

Something that I have been thinking about recently is the influence that others can have on our actions.

I have learned that I should not eat birthday cake. This may sound really weird, but it makes me feel awful. I am trying to figure out what it is about really sweet cake that doesn't agree with me, but it literally puts me in an awful mood. The best option for me is to politely decline the cake. Although it's tempting, I resist because it ruins my day. This makes some people feel uncomfortable and a little aggressive towards my decision. "It's a Birthday," they say, "you have to eat the cake!"

I still decline the cake.  What I am working on, though, is strengthening my inner voice.  After all, its not just about the cake.

chem 2 test 4...

done. it may not have been pretty, but its done.

Monday, April 25, 2011

shaved asparagus pizza...

yes please.  this pizza looks really good; I might swap pesto for the herbed cheese and use this recipe (always turns out perfectly!) for the pizza dough...yum.

Friday, April 22, 2011

happy earth day!

I have lived in Dallas for almost 3 years and I still haven't been to the Dallas Museum of Art.  I think now is the perfect time to visit because the Gustav Stickley and the American Arts & Crafts Movement exhibit and the Art of the American Indians; the Thaw Collection both look awesome.  In Dallas?  The Gustav exhibit is only here till May 8. 
In other news, here is the picture of the hail from last Thursday night:


And a picture from launch:


have a fabulous friday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011



found here

found here

found here

my camera is not cooperating

so I am sharing another great quote:

"Jump on top of things. Sprint when you feel like it. Skip and hop. Ignore the funny looks."

-Zen Habits, here

Love that!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


all too busy for power games."

-Seth Godin, here

sometimes the hail comes down in april...

The weather has been crazy lately; this song is cheesy, yet so good, and is describing my feelings about the weather perfectly. I love the 90's!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the way things have become

I was driving home from work; it was hot and muggy outside and there were tons and tons of cars in front of me, which made the heat seem even worse.  Then I started thinking about global warming and how fun it would be to carpool with other people.  And how, in many areas, we have moved so far away from being a community; most of the drivers around me are solo, tense and stressed out about the traffic.  Carpooling makes so much more sense because there will be less cars on the road, people will be able to share the driving responsibility, and it is more fun.  But, the logistics, at least for me, are not plausible; I head all over town on most days. 

So, I often get frustrated with the way things have become in most areas, except the lucky cities that have ample public transportation and are more pedestrian-friendly.

For now, I walk to the gym and try to use my car as little as possible.  Walking more would solve so many of our societal issues; I wish there was an easy fix.

Monday, April 18, 2011


mangos have been amazing this week.. definitely pick some up if you can! 

which reminds me that I used to have a helpful/beautiful rainbow chart on the seasons of food; I think I downloaded it from design*sponge, but it got lost in the move.  if anyone knows where I can find it, let me know :)

oh and I am excited that I found this co-op in Dallas!

hello, Monday!

This weekend was a blur of fitness and cooking; the cx30 launch was really successful (it was the biggest class I have ever taught and it was challenging, in an awesome way) and I taught a special chocolate class.

Also, the weather has been beautiful in Dallas for the last couple of days, but we had a crazy hailstorm on Thursday night; I faced the hail to drive my Jetta to shelter and it felt like such an adventure to run out in the rain/hail!  That is pretty sad and I need to go on a real adventure...

But before I can, the culmination of the semester has begun; I can see the light at the end of the Chem 2 tunnel, but I still have a few hurdles before I can reach the sun.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

mmm yogurt

I used to be a pre-sweetened yogurt kind of girl; I liked plain yogurt as a healthy snack, but I always craved flavored yogurt (like stonyfield farms).

I recently found out that I just wasn't putting enough stuff in my plain yogurt.  I now really prefer good plain yogurt (organic greek is my favorite) with lots of good stuff mixed in:

local honey

north dallas honey co.

lots of sliced fruit (I sliced up a whole pineapple on Monday; pineapple is awesome in yogurt!), ground flaxseeds, cocoa, walnuts, and/or coconut I just need to start making my own yogurt!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

on work and challenges

My first job out of college was a desk job at a small awesome company, who is doing extremely well because they have the best customer service ever.  This job was a really great first job (and I appreciate/miss my fair and awesome manager and co-workers a lot), but it was a shock for me to sit at a desk all day. 

During that time, I was really lost.  I had no idea what I wanted to do or what the first step to getting there would even be.

Everyday after work, I would head to the gym to take Body Step or Body Combat or Body Pump classes; they made me feel alive after work.

Looking back, I am so thankful for my first job; I was respected and treated well, it just wasn't in the right industry for me. 

Currently, I am facing different challenges.  I am out and about, which I am so thankful for, but I struggle on a daily basis to find my voice.  Lately, I have been feeling like I run around in circles.  I am cooking and working out and decorating and studying.  But, I don't feel as confident because I am trying things that are completely uncomfortable; I am putting myslef out there.  I always thought finding the path was the hard part.

I really just had to get that out.  I enjoy a challenge, but when everything is hard all at once, it kind of knocks the wind out of you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

cocoa rocks

This week has been a quite a week; the lesson that I have learned is to have a good attitude, you never know when things are going to get better.  I am loving the inspirational lists here.  I am in a smoothie mode, it is getting warm here already, and the shake below is one of my favorites.  Happy Friday!

I love cocoa, especially the good* stuff.  This shake can also be used as starting point for lots of variations:

Chocolate Shake
recipe for 1, can easily be adapted for more

1 ripe banana
handful of frozen blueberries
a few slices of frozen peach
small handful of raw cashews
1-2 T of good cocoa powder
 1 cup milk (1% or higher, or milk alternative)

Start with just enough milk to cover fruit, adding more if desired; shake should be thick.  Blend together, and enjoy in a tall glass with a straw.

*Callebaut has a really rich chocolate flavor and I can get it in bulk at Central Market for a great price.  If you can't find it, I also like Hersey's special extra dark.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

best quote ever

"But, like every woman with a spastic relationship to her hips and, in turn their relationship the butter, sugar and 70 percent chocolate that makes our taste buds go round, I paused. And paused. How could I adjust my Very Strong Need for a bite of chewy, dense, bitter-laced homage to cocoa mass with my need for my favorite skirt to fit it my favorite way?"

Deb from Smitten Kitchen, on eating brownies

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

chem 2, test 3...

done.  I have done 8 chem tests since September; 2 to go, then I'm on to Organic, wooohooo!

In other news, my wardrobe is at a point where it needs to be updated.  I have gotten:

A silk patterned skirt from Anthropologie. I love the ikat look and the deep pockets are very flattering. I had a gift certificate that helped make it affordable. I am now looking for a chartreuse top!

The skirt, girl on the right

These shorts disappeared online for a while and I regretted not getting them. When they came back, I bought them (Joey bought them for me!!) right away, something that I really never do full price!

gingham shorts

Oh, and I have recently had great success at Gap for great tshirts with fun details in the $10-15 range.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  I am now in Bodystep and C30x cramming mode, as launch is next week!

Friday, April 1, 2011

rabbit rabbit

Dance Tonight- the perfect way to start a new month.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


you find yourself swimming along with all the other fishes, swim the other way. They don’t know where they’re going either."

-via Zen Habits

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

happy birthday Mom!!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful caring Mom.  I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful Mom.  I wish I was in Kansas to celebrate!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I bought a new computer in January; I am very happy with my laptop overall, but I have been experiencing some driver issues.  This morning, I was finally able to import some long overdue pictures, including the ones below.

I love hummus; for this version, I added in a handful of toasted sesame seeds instead of traditional tahini.

Hummus recipe 

1 can chickpeas, rinsed thoroughly
1/4 c. sesame seed, dry roasted in a pan until slightly golden
salt, to taste
1 large clove of garlic, peeled
1/4 c. olive oil, drizzle to taste
2 T. water, if needed

Combine chickpeas, sesame seeds, and garlic in food processor (or blender), and pulse.  Add in salt to taste, depending on the saltiness of your chickpeas.  Drizzle in the olive oil until desired consistency is reached.  Add in a bit of water if a thinner hummus is desired.  A squeeze of lemon juice would be great, also.  Drizzle with additional olive oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds, if desired, to serve.


Friday, March 25, 2011


I found this awesome site, Advice to Sink in Slowly; I love motivational quotes/advice and they have awesome ones paired with great images, some of my favorites:

image here by David Plant

image here by Ben Javens

image here by Mark Agnew

happy friday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

happy birthday Dad!

Today my dad turns 60.  He is the best, most supportive dad.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"can't forget,

we only get what we give."

-the new radicals

This season I am challenging myself to give more; to commit some of my effort to helping others.  By being a kinder driver, donating time/money where it is needed, being more patient everyday, and being more active in my community.  If I want the world to change, I better start with my own actions. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


I had a good restful, melancholy spring break.

Last Monday, Joey's paternal grandfather died;  he was 95 and died peacefully in his sleep.  Rest in peace Melvin Albers. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

birthday pi

yesterday was pi day and Joey's 26th birthday!  we had a weekend full of celebrations and chocolate.  (couples have to be comparably compatible when it comes to their love of chocolate. that, and black licorice.)  Friday I made homemade pudding, so good.  I hid a few gummy worms in it.

I really wasn't planning on baking anything last night after a weekend of celebrating, but Joey had a rough day so I whipped up these brownies and they were so easy, easier than a mix.  And way better.  (I melted the butter, sugar, cocoa, mixture in the microwave and it turned out awesome.) 
I have the day off, my first day off in forever; I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!

ps my spring break guilty pleasure has been this show.  I don't know what it is with me; I love antique roadshow too.

Friday, March 11, 2011


spring break began at 1:15 today!  this is my first spring break in a few years and although I will be here in Dallas working, it will be terrific to have a week to catch up.  On a side note, I am currently obsessed with ikat fabric, I may have to try some sewing during my break.

this weekend, celebrations will happen, as Joey turns 26!! on Monday.  I am not sure if you know this about me, but 26 is my favorite/lucky number.

also, Saturday is the first White Rock Lake Local market of the season! the 2011 schedule.

on a more serious note, I just (*Fridays are crazy for me till now) heard about the Tsunami and Earthquake in Japan, here is a link on ways to help.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have GOOD as my homepage; it has become my favorite current event source.


I love breakfast; I always make time for a good breakfast. 

Practically every morning, I have the same thing; I mix healthy whole grain cereals, nuts, fruits, and yogurt and it keeps me satisfied until lunch.  I have eliminated sweetened cereals, though, and I find that I crave less sugar throughout the day.

My current combination is post shredded wheat and bran, uncle sams cereal, raw oats, pecans, a sprinkle of flax meal, a few frozen blueberries, raisins, a dollop of greek yogurt, and low fat milk.  yum!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Whenever I am feeling a little under the weather, I drink a Kombucha.  They are a special treat because they are so expensive, and I am so glad they are back on the shelves after a short sabatical due to a Lindsey Lohan scandel.  Have you ever tried one?  They taste a little acidic/funky at first, but now I crave them.  I prefer the effervescent GT Kombucha brand:

cranberry, my favorite

Monday, March 7, 2011

weekend extravaganza

I had a great food-filled weekend; on Friday night, to celebrate the end of a crazy week, I made us mussels with tomatoes, roasted asparagus on the side and a baguette from central market for dipping!  After dinner and a cleaning fest, we walked to this little cafe for dessert and a drink.

Then, I worked on Saturday and my mom arrived at 4!  We went here for dinner and it was pretty good Italian food.  To celebrate my mom's birthday, I made Heidi's Tutti Frutti crumble with poppy seeds and this buttermilk ice cream; such a good combination!  I lightened the ice cream by just using 2% milk and I omitted the eggs; it was still rich enough.

Then, after body step, greek salads, and shopping, we had a nice Sunday dinner at celebration.  Now its back to Chemistry and work, but I feel refreshed after a nice break with my mom.

Friday, March 4, 2011

fat debate

yes yes and yes!  I was just thinking about this topic this morning when I went to get milk; there was no 1% organic (my favorite) so I had an internal debate about fat free and 2%; I went with the 2% because I don't think skim milk is satisfying over my cereal. 

I think that a reasonable amount of fat in our diets is really good for us; not processed fats, but natural fats like avocado, nuts, flaxseeds, olive oil, and even (a little bit) of real butter fat.  I agree that it is the processed sugars and carbs that make us fat.

happy friday

I am so excited to get a break tonight; I have big plans to relax and take a body attack class.  And whip my messy apartment into shape; I am trying to get better at cleaning as I go, but when I am super busy, my apartment suffers.

Also, sometimes I think Seth Godin can read my mind; I was feeling really burned out yesterday and his post this morning could not have had better timing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

chem 2 test 2

artichoke found here

I am loving the pretty fruit and vegetable shoots in the latest Anthropologie catalog. after reading No Impact Man, I was inspired to reduce my paper waste, so I tried this; so far I am still receiving Anthropologie (this one is pretty so I am glad to get it) and J.Crew catalogs, but it may take a while to go into effect (I did it in January).  however, L.L. bean responded within 24 hours and Vera Bradley was quick too.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

rabbit rabbit

happy tuesday!
I have chem 2 test 2 tonight; the weather is perfect here today so I took a walk in the sun with my flashcards.

also, yesterday I made my very first kings cake; the kids were not in the mood to cook, so it was a fun challenge. 

on that note, I am planning on making a few cakes this month because there are a lot of very big birthdays: Joey is turning 26 (my niece shares his birthday and is turning 1!) and my mom and dad are both turning 60!

my mom loves poppyseeds, so I am thinking of making Heidi's Tutti-Frutti Crumble, recipe here, with maybe a ricotta ice cream.  she is visiting me this weekend so I will have to think of something good.

Friday, February 25, 2011

I want to help.

lets exercise and eat better.  when I see things like this, I am reminded that real changes need to be made in our culture to combat this epidemic.  but its not that easy. at all.  I don't know what the answer is, (yet).  and it will never be straightforward. but, I know I want to help.

on a happier note, I just completed the hardest chem lab I have ever had.  but, it was the type of hard that completely absorbed my conscience for an hour and a half, and I feel proud and invigorated.  yes working hard and stretching to new limits is never easy or comfortable.  it is very very uncomfortable.  but it feels good after.  maybe not even at first.  I highly recommend getting into the work and out of the comfort. 

rainy day vignette

I have had a strange week.  Something has been off; the weather, me, I am not sure.  But Friday is here; my longest day of the week, and I enjoy the concentrated effort before the weekend.

rainy day vignette

happy friday!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

eggs over brussel sprouts

is one of my favorite meals, especially with good crusty bread.  I love brussel sprouts, especially when they are gently sauted. they remain bright green and slightly crisp, and the sauce created by the yolk is delicious over the slightly bitter brussel sprouts. here I am doing a fried egg, but poached eggs are also really good. 

Eggs over Brussel Sprouts

warm up a pan over medium, thinly slice the brussel sprouts, and discard the stems. add a small pat of butter and/or a splash of olive oil to the pan. add the brussel sprouts (about 5-6 large ones is a perfect lunch portion for me) and saute gently until slightly golden brown. add a splash of white wine and/or white wine vinegar and steam for 1-2 minutes longer.  remove from the pan and set aside.  add a bit more butter/non-stick spray, crack 1-2 eggs (per person) in the pan.  fry until white is almost set, than flip and cook until white is set, yolk is still runny (about 1 minute longer).  toast is the perfect side; whole grain sourdough is my choice. 

perfect healthy meal of champions.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

good food jobs

"Finding a good food job isn’t like becoming a doctor or a teacher. There’s no pre-set path, and sometimes it can be frustrating trying to figure out what to do next. My advice is to get a lot of experience, even if it isn’t in the perfect job or even paid. Learn more about the sector you’re interested in by diving in. Work a job, volunteer, go to conferences, and – most importantly – meet people. Once you’re in the sustainable food world, you’re much more likely to catch the jobs that do come along or find opportunities to create your own!"

-Anne Obelnicki, found here

Monday, February 21, 2011

silly/true. and I still love anthropologie...

"Gift card to Anthropologie. You might have walked past it a few times at your local mall and wondered how they crammed the interior of a late-nineteenth century barn into a shopping center that was built in 2005. It is the store equivalent of a Wes Anderson film, which certainly helps to explain its appeal, but it is also the most efficient way for white women to look and (hopefully) live like Amélie."

found here.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I believe this print was made for me...

"I have difficult hair. It's thick and curly, and I've wasted a good part of my life trying to control it, straighten it, and battle the frizzies. Enough of that - it's time to EMBRACE MESSY HAIR!"

found here

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I roasted a whole chicken last night:

I am a pretty good cook when it comes to vegetarian fare, seafood, grains, and desserts.

I am not, however, well-versed in big hunks of meat or whole poultry birds.

But, whole chickens were really inexpensive at Central Market on Sunday, so I bought one.

I was actually kind of nervous; I bought a roaster pan and used this equation to roast my feathered friend:

15 minutes at 425
15 minutes at 350
45 minutes + 7 minutes for each pound (I did 70 minutes for a 3.75 lb bird and it turned out perfectly)

I rinsed the bird under hot water and dried it really well with paper towels.  I placed it on the rack and sprinkled a generous amount of salt and pepper all over the top.  I had an extra, really large shallot, so I cut it in half and stuck it inside.  Then I tucked the legs and wings under the body.  I did not baste the bird at all because there was not much juice, and my chicken still came out golden brown with a crispy skin.  I also did not add any fat on the skin.

Give yourself a lot of time; but I really suggest roasting a chicken; you will be so proud of yourself!

silver sneakers

I love teaching silver sneakers; every Wednesday I look forward to seeing my dedicated class.  They push me to push them and I am never surprised by their fitness and strength. 

I think everyone should work with seniors at some point in their lives if they have a chance; I have learned so much from my classes and I am constantly reminded to keep my own life in perspective.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

love this interview

especially Mario Batali's quote to her:

 "Always choose joy, Turshen."

found here

finding balance

I like to think of myself as a frugal person; however, I am not sure if I live up to this notion of myself.  Yes, I buy local/organic groceries/vegetables (food is our fuel, our most important expense), and pretty things sometimes.

I do not budget though.  Sometimes I splurge, mostly I save and my method has worked for me.  But, I created a mint account at the beginning of the year and it is a valuable tool with a simple interface; all of my accounts are in one place and I can see how I spend money.  The more that I get involved with money, the more I want to save.  If you don't have an account, I highly recommend starting one.

"Last year, Harvard Business School professor Peter Tufano helped conduct a survey that asked a simple question: if you had to, could you come up with $2,000 in 30 days? In the U.S., he found that nearly half of us couldn’t."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser Dish

Good food info here

LL Bean and seeds

beautiful sunset last night

I found this on my doorstep when I got back from a yoga/attack combo last night that kicked my butt:

I love the royal blue

I am a big fan of LL Bean. I had to use up a $10 gift card that I received back in November when I ordered a fleece, so I bought a small boat and tote bag:

I received these, too:

asparagus, zucchini, and tomato heirloom seeds

So excited to plant vegetables in the spring!

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy day of loove

I have been on the lookout for simple round earrings forever.  I found these at etsy:

 And they are just as pretty in person.  (They are very small studs; exactly what I wanted.)

I highly recommend apostrophie at etsy; beautiful earrings, perfect packaging, quick shipping, and a personalized thank you at a reasonable price.  Lovely!

ps my favorite chocolate:

And chocolove*:

*love poem included.

Friday, February 11, 2011


happy friday

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the cost

 of cheap greens in the winter.

Also, I think the ice storm finally got to me yesterday; as the snow whirled outside my window, I browsed pictures of heirloom seeds from here. I am hoping that I get enough sun on my little balcony to grow zucchini, tomatoes, and (this one may be a long shot...) asparagus.

Goldilocks' planets

So on Monday I learned about the term Goldilocks' planets; planets, like Earth, that are just the right distance away from a star to possibly have water.  Info like this makes my head spin, but it is good to get a dose of perspective once in a while. Here is NASA's press release.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

chem 2 test 1...


not sure how I did yet.

in other news, I am digging the website which brought me here. personal annual reports? so cool!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011


There was ice from Tuesday through Thursday last week and then a snowstorm covered it all up early Friday morning. 

I worked on Thursday afternoon, and driving in the ice completely changed my perspective.  It made me appreciate that I can normally go out at my leisure; it made me appreciate normal tasks like driving and class and grocery shopping.

For this reason, change is good.  Whether it is a change of scenery or a travel adventure, change of job, or even just trying something new, a slight change can alter our perspective and enhance our ability to appreciate what has always been there; to see through a new lense is so cool.

Change is hard, but worth it.

Friday, February 4, 2011

snow day

I am so thankful that there is a hot yoga studio twenty feet away from my apartment.  This week, I have gone there twice when I couldn't get out.  In Addison?  Check it out here.  So amazing!

Here is the view from my porch today:

heirloom design

"As I see the climate change and carbon dioxide problem, it is one way of figuring out how to live the best quality of life while using much less energy. Heirloom products are one way to make a significant contribution. It probably means you will end up owning less junk, your life will be less cluttered, and your stuff will be more beautiful and serve you with more joy."

Saul Griffith found here

Thursday, February 3, 2011

decreasing plastic

Lately I have been thinking about all of the plastic that surrounds us, especially plastic that has a very short use value.

Some of these items are easier to eliminate (plastic water bottles, plastic shopping bags) than others (food containers, packaging).

One of my first ideas to decrease food packaging plastic was to find a dairy in Dallas that uses/re-uses glass bottles.  When I was little, in Milton, Massachusetts, we had a milk delivery service with glass bottles; I always got excited around the holidays because of the eggnog which had a different color foil lid.

Anyways, my initial search has not been successful; apparently the only dairy in Texas that uses glass bottles is in San Antonio.  Check out the list here to see if there is a dairy in your area.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Food Manifesto for the Future

by Mark Bittman, found here.

"Encourage and subsidize home cooking. ...When people cook their own food, they make better choices. When families eat together, they’re more stable. We should provide food education for children (a new form of home ec, anyone?), cooking classes for anyone who wants them and even cooking assistance for those unable to cook for themselves."

ice day

so day two of the ice storm in Dallas.  the good news is that I am completely caught up on my Chemistry.  the good/bad news is that everything is cancelled again today.

snow day book recommendation:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the weather

is worrying me.  has mother nature finally had it with us?  or is this just a crazy Texas winter?

three days ago, the high hovered close to eighty degrees.  today's high is maybe thirty degrees...

Monday, January 31, 2011

why can't boys wear pink?

When I am not teaching kids cooking classes, I often work at the store next door, which sells toys.  I do a lot of deep thinking when I am pricing or displaying products. 

For example, why do girls play with beautiful dolls (ie Barbie), pretend purses, and mirrors?  Why do boys play with trucks and trains?

Have Barbies given girls low self esteem and body image issues?  Not many girls can compete with the plastic form of a Barbie doll.

And why is pink a feminine color? (A quick history on gender specific colors here.)

The extent to which gender is/has been exaggerated according to popular societal values is almost impossible to measure.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

throwing in the towel,

not an option.

exactly a year ago, I started a crazy journey; working in the food industry. 

about five months ago, I started an even crazier journey; chemistry as a pre-requisite towards a masters in nutrition.

the hardest aspect of this venture is that I feel like I am taking about ten steps backwards and there aren't too many people to talk with about it; following an unconventional path is challenging.

(I am humming John Michael Montgomery's song, Life's a Dance, in my head as I write this, haha.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jack Lalanne

Rest in peace, Jack Lalanne.


the last semester of my bachelor's degree, I took business policy to fulfill my marketing degree. one thing that really stuck with me from that class was the concept of streamlining; businesses should strive for their operations to be as efficient as possible.

this reasoning can be applied to life; although I am so happy that I have built my schedule in a way that allows me to work on many projects, I run around town getting everything done. for the moment, I just have to breathe through what I can't change; having class MWF instead of TTH, for example.

I am learning to enjoy the journey.

Monday, January 24, 2011

favorite ingredients

with food, I tend to crave things in cycles; for a few weeks straight I'll want hummus at every meal, for example, and then without any notice I can't stand the sight of hummus.

my current obsession:

cocoa and natural ricotta cheese. as a simple satisfying dessert, sometimes I add a sprinkle of brown sugar, sometimes I add a bit of blackstrap mollasses.

I have been wanting to make my own for a long time, recipe here.

Friday, January 21, 2011

an ode to my Jetta

This morning I hopped in my frozen Jetta to find that she had reached exactly 65,000 miles last night!  My Jetta has spent most of her 8 years in Texas, and this morning at 5:30am she was completely covered in thick frost.  I had to get to my 6am bodystep class, so in 20 degree weather, with my head hanging out and all of the windows down so I could see, I drove the quarter mile to my Gold's Gym. 

Here's to you, my lovely Jetta.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Body Step

82! Launch was awesome this quarter; we even decorated the studios.  Next week I will be able to try the new releases of pump and attack, too.

Find a Les Mills class near you.

ps it has been freezing in Dallas; nothing compared to the northeast but still really cold:


we are going to build a restorative economy, an economy that values preservation and restoration as much as it values extraction and consumption, an economy that heals broken social and ecological relationships while it creates wealth and commercial opportunity...we are going to need investment capital and investors of an entirely new kind."

via Civil Eats

Thursday, January 13, 2011

no impact

Towards the end of last year, I was buying a lot of things (for gifts and myself); finding balance between having things and consuming in a non-detrimental way is a challenging.
I really got distracted from my goal of living simple.  My brother got me this book:

which I found inspiring and has some awesome ideas, I highly suggest it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year

Happy New Year! 

I am starting with a clean slate this year; yesterday I got a new computer AND I got my teeth cleaned. 

I read a really great book that I got for Christmas:

Also, check out the nesting hedgehogs from one of my favorite sneakpeaks:
