Tuesday, June 21, 2011

local veggies

On Saturday, I volunteered at a local farm stand; I had so much fun and I was generously reimbursed for my time with a half share of produce.
The most exciting items were local shiitake mushrooms and rhubarb! The mushrooms were really pretty and fresh, so I just lightly sauteed them in butter. Really a treat. I was a little nervous about the rhubarb because I tasted it raw (not so good), but I cooked it with strawberries and used this cobbler recipe; the rhubarb really just melts when it cooks and gives a delicious tart contrast to the strawberries.

I enjoyed the box of produce so much; I definitely suggest joining a co-op or CSA.

Monday, June 20, 2011

keeping cool

Last Monday, I swam laps for the first time since college.  I am really out of practice, but it felt so good that I ended up swimming 3 times last week; I was also motivated by the triple digit heat.  This morning, I found another awesome way to cool off; RPM. Getting really sweaty in the cool, dark spin room felt amazing.
I hope it is cooler wherever you are.  Happy Monday!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

so funny

please follow the link below, especially if you are having a bad day...

found here

Born to Run

I am currently reading Born to Run as running inspiration.

This morning I went on a short run and instead of thinking of it as as a way to get skinny, I thought I'm going to have fun. And it really worked.

I am in the middle of the book, but I definitely recommend it so far.  It has also inspired me to eat chia seeds.

Monday, June 13, 2011

a new week

I love to paint.  This weekend I did some watercolor painting; I had my first ochem test on Friday and I was craving a more creative pursuit

watercolor pallete

I love the look of watercolors; I highly suggest getting some paints out and letting the creative energy flow

happy monday!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

watermelon and mint iced tea

cold slices of watermelon and mint iced tea is cooling me down this week.  I always make my own tea because it is tastier and cheaper.  Just brew, pour over ice and stick in the fridge.  Mint is the best.


I was making iced tea in my kitchen and I noticed two mockingbirds sitting on my balcony:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I found it!!

the elusive rainbow seasonal chart:

found here