Tuesday, December 15, 2009

great quote

"One of the things that Americans do very well
is working with bright primary colors. 
Think Ralph, J.Crew, Gap. 
I guess we are a bold people"

-The Satorialist

Monday, December 14, 2009

twelve days of fitness

Just in time for the holidays, Gold Gym has posted an article that has twelve great workout ideas to rev up your fitness this season.  My favorites include:

     - Clock a 5K. Time how fast you can run 3.1 miles
     - Do 100 push-ups. Break them up throughout the day
     - Climb the Empire State Building: get on a stair stepper and climb 102 floors

For the complete list: http://www.goldsgym.com/healthy/newsletter/2009-12/12-days-of-fitness.php

Friday, December 11, 2009

A must read

I am currently reading The Philosophy of Sustainable Design by Jason McLennan, and it is the most captivating book that I have read in a long time.  I really highly suggest reading it; here is a good quote from the book that basically sums up its premise:

My past has taught me two important lessons;
that we have an amazing capacity to damage
the habitat of all living things while building our own,
but we also have an ability to heal it through good design.

also makes a great gift for the environmentalist in your life

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The owner of this gorgeous bed, Elise Vaughn, states "personally, I thrive when I am surrounded by bright colors and vintage treasures."  Ahh...I love that!!